Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Wow! LibraryThing is too cool! I was playing on there, loading titles, some of which I have read, but many of which I just don't want to forget before I get time to read them. Qhyrrae had mentioned LibraryThing, but I am blown away! This is the greatest tool for a book lover! I know, I need to stop with the exclamation marks, but WOW!!! Unfortunately, the reason that I don't have all of these books read is that I don't have time, so what makes me think that I have time to list all of them on LibraryThing? Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful resource!


Robin said...

Ah! The joy of LibraryThing is that it is so *easy*! Listing books is simple - navigating away from other people's lists, however, is much harder, I'll grant you that...

Bobbi Newman said...

I use LibraryThing to list books I own and I use del.ici.ous to mark books I want to read and use a "toread" tag. It works great!

Debbie deliberates said...

I like Bobbi's idea of listing the books she owns in one, and "bookmarking" in the other one. I was rather confused about what to use LibraryThing for, but that one statement helped tremendoulsly.

Eric said...

Ease of use is the key. Having Library Thing pull cover art from Amazon makes it even better. I find myself making certain to choose the same printing of the book I read... Okay, I'm odd.